Causes Of Insulin Resistance
One of the main causes of diabetes is an inability for cells to properly respond to the body's production of insulin. This condition is known as insulin resistance. But what causes the body to do this in the first place?
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Unfortunately, some people are actually born with insulin resistance, as a direct result of genetics. Doctors are not sure what causes some to be born with the condition over others.
One reason why some people are insulin resistant and others aren't is due to their level of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle means that cells become less responsive to the presence of insulin. Exercise burns off stress, which will be covered later.
A big contributor to the condition is obesity. This is ironic since insulin resistance also certainly leads to weight gain. This results in a vicious cycle that the individual will have a very difficult time breaking. Insulin resistance causes weight gain: the weight gain causes more insulin resistance: the increased insulin resistance causes more weight gain, and so on and so on.
Consuming a high number of carbs can also lead to the disorder, as well. This is just another reason to eat a healthy, balanced diet of the right foods.
Severe bouts of stress have also been known to trigger the effects. This is not talking about everyday normal episodes of stress that we all endure, but severe episodes. Why does this happen? Because the stress triggers the release of stress hormones, which, in turn, disrupts your metabolism.
Certain types of medications can also cause an episode of insulin resistance. So can pregnancy. It has also been shown that individuals who suffer from hepatitis C are between three and four times as likely to develop insulin resistance as those without the disease.
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