Early Signs of Diabetes in Children
For children who are diabetic, it is vital that we become aware of their condition as soon as possible. That's why it’s important to know the early signs of diabetes in children in order to start treating it.
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When you look at symptoms of diabetes, there are some that are also applicable for adults. Frequent thirst and frequent urination are probably some of the most obvious ones. The problem is that one automatically goes with the other, so unless a child is keenly aware that they are consuming more water than usual it might not register.
Kids will also begin to feel like they can't get enough to eat, or start to feel hungry right after a meal. This is a clear indication that foods are not being broken down and utilized correctly.
Another factor will be a sudden tendency either to gain weight or lose it. This comes without a change in exercise or activity levels. That’s because with diabetes, sugar is lost through urination. The body, still craving sugar, has to pull it from the only other areas that it can- muscle and body fat. Eating away at these two areas will trim a child down quickly.
There are also signs that don't affect a kid’s appearance. Tingling and numbness of the extremities is common since nerves are being affected by the restriction of blood vessels, due to poor circulation. In adults, this can also affect a man's sexual performances, resulting in impotence.
Other signs can include infections and cuts that are slow to heal, as well as skin infections. Kid’s immune systems will likely be down, too, resulting in more illnesses, fatigue, weakness and even trouble sleeping.
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