Can Bariatric Surgery Help Diabetes?

Lower Levels of Diabetes in Walkable Neighborhoods

We have been told time and again that exercise drastically reduces one's chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Allison's Life With Type 1 Diabetes

Young Girl Describes How Diabetes Affects Her Life Every Day

Gestational Diabetes Risk Factors

Type 2 Diabetes Increasing in People under 20

Randy Jackson Shares Personal Diabetes Story

Helping Your Child Understand Diabetes

Cartoon Explaining How Diabetes Works

The US Increases Awareness of the Growing Danger of Childhood Obesity

In the US, 18 percent of 5- and 6-year-olds entering kindergarten are obese. Many of these children will face a lifetime of diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Snake Venom, We Hardly Knew You

Part of my job is to read an endless stream of medical journal headlines looking for apt studies to discuss for a variety of different ailments.

Smartphone App Helps Diabetics Monitor Blood Sugar Better

Recording blood sugar with pen and paper is difficult, especially when you could be taking the reading six times a day or more.
