When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, I had not given the first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle.
BYETTA Lets Talk in New York
The BYETTA Let’s Talk Campaign is making a stop at the Third Avenue Merchants Spring Expo in Manhattan.
Search for a Cure
Here’s How to Cure Diabetes and Not Get Fat
Diabetes is becoming a major problem in the world and it is growing which is forcing the diabetes community to make some quick judgements:
Diet and Nutrition
Warning: Rising Gas Prices May Raise Your Blood Sugar
Rising blood sugar levels are not usually associated with rising gas prices or a recession but if you take a look at the effect that the inflation of gas prices is having o
Diet and Nutrition
Cutting the Simple Carbs and Increasing Quality Protein With Egg Whites
This whole dietary balancing act can get frustrating sometimes.
The Perfect Christmas Gift for Diabetics
The perfect Christmas gift for a Diabetic would be one that is both useful to the Diabetic and raises money for diabetes research and awareness.
Managing Diabetes
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Makes It Hard to Control Blood Sugar
A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago has shown that obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) adversely affects glucose control in patients with type 2 dia
Type 2 Diabetes in 20s Increase Heart Attack Risk
Obese people who have type 2 diabetes in their 20s are likely to be at higher risk of a heart attack or stroke in their 40s, if they do not change their lifestyle, warn hea
Managing Diabetes
Saliva Helping Diabetes Patients Control Weight
2 diabetes medications have helped some patients control their weight.
Caffeine Raises Blood Sugar Levels In Type 2 Diabetics
It may come as quite a shock to those type 2 diabetics who regularly consume caffeine to hear that studies are now showing that caffeine raises blood sugar levels in type 2