Managing Potassium Levels Is Important When You Have Diabetes

Potassium is a vital part of our everyday diet. Foods high in potassium include bananas, avocados, yogurt, beans, and fish.

Burning Feet From Diabetes: Best Treatment Options

There are many reasons why one could have burning feet.

Is There Such A Thing As Diabetic Foods?

Diabetics are inundated with advice about the right foods to eat and which ones to avoid.

Can Alcoholism Cause Diabetes?

According to the Mayo Clinic, excessive alcohol consumption can increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What is the Difference Between Ketosis and Ketoacidosis?

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous condition, where toxic levels of ketone bodies build up in the blood because the body is not producing insulin.

Pistachio Nuts Can Lower Blood Sugar?

Munching a handful of pistachio nuts not only makes for a great snack but also a healthy one because it lowers th

Here's How To Test Yourself For Diabetes

Diabetes can be deadly if left undiagnosed, so it is very important to pay attention to your body if you are displaying any of the symptoms.

The Disease Process of Diabetes: How Does It Start?

There are two main types of diabetes.

Can I Reuse Diabetic Test Strips?

Diabetic test strips are one of the biggest expenses in diabetes care.

The Diabetes Epidemic and Its Effect on Society

Diabetes has a major impact on people who live with the disease, their family members, and society as a whole.
