Caffeine addicts rejoice: New research reveals that increasing coffee consumption by about one and a half cups per day can reduce type 2 diabetes risk.
Diet and Nutrition
Mediterranean diet can slow diabetes progression
Research has shown that a Mediterranean diet can help prevent both pre-diabe
Science and Research
Study: vitamin D does matter when it comes to glucose control
A new study from the University of Maryland sheds more light on the relationship between vitamin D and glucose control.
Living with Diabetes: Young Adults Share Their Experiences
Can Diabetes Be Prevented and Treated with Natural Medicine?
Type 2 diabetes can be prevented and controlled with "natural medicine," but there are other factors that play into the development and progression of the disease.<
Is low blood sugar ruining your marriage?
Being "hangry" (hungry and angry) can set up couples for disastrous results, according to research released this week from the Proceedings of the National Academy o
Science and Research
Pre-diabetes and diabetes have almost doubled in the last 20 years
Rates of both pre-diabetes and diabetes (type 1 and type 2) are climbing fast in the
'I Feel Low': A Diabetic Parody of Frozen's 'Let It Go'
Chromium supplements don't help lower blood sugar, new research suggests
For years, chromium supplementation has been a recommended method for blood sugar control, but it may not be that effective after all.
Science and Research
Fatty liver disease linked to type 2 diabetes
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition characterized by an accumulation of fat in the liver, is associated with an increased risk for