Vinegar: An elixir for blood sugar?

While it may be the last thing you want to guzzle down with meals, vinegar can help diabetics gain better control over blood sugar levels, reports a new ‌

Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Moderate exercise: more motivating than hard training?

When it comes to working out, moderate exercise could be the key to the lasting motivation needed for a healthy lifestyle.

Control Prediabetes

You may not get diabetes even if you have prediabetes.

New findings about race, diabetes and older women

Death rates for older women with diabetes tend to be the same, regardless of race and ethnicity, a new study reports.

Younger women with type 2 diabetes have higher risk of heart disease

Type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease in young women, according to a new study presented at the American He

Chemical Found in Plastic Linked to Insulin Resistance

Cinnamon: a miracle spice for diabetics?

More research on the benefits of cinnamon confirm that the common kitchen spice can be helpful for people with

Five percent of U.S. children and teens are 'severely obese'

Despite the fact that overall childhood obesity rates are leveling off, "severe obesity" is becoming more of a problem for U.S.

Family Members with Diabetes Increases Risk
