Hypoglycemia Definition
Hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar (as opposed to hyperglycemia which is high blood sugar). A non-diabetic with hypoglycemia would feel hunger and maybe a little shaky. But a diabetic would experience additional symptoms such as, confusion, difficulty concentrating, weakness, sweating, and dizziness.
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The main culprit that induces hypoglycemic episodes is related to medications. Surprisingly enough, many of the medicines that are specifically prescribed for treating diabetes can cause hypoglycemic episodes.
Other causes include skipping meals, eating meals that are too small or not nutritionally balanced, and excessive exercise. Consuming too much alcohol can also trigger hypoglycemic episodes.
Preventing a hypoglycemic episode is rather easy. As far as the medications are concerned, if they are causing hypoglycemic episodes, simply talk to your physician about switching to another medicine to see if the condition improves. There are many options available and different individuals respond to them in different ways.
Dealing with a hypoglycemic episode
The fastest way to overcome an episode is to consume a sufficient amount of carbs, assuming that the episode has not made swallowing difficult. Glucose tablets, a fruit drink, candy, white bread, crackers, etc., are quickly converted to sugar.
So how do you prevent these episodes from occurring in the first place? A lot has to do with your eating patterns. Eating the right amounts of the right foods is essential. Even if you do not feel hungry, you should always eat something to ensure that your sugar level remains constant. Also, resist the urge to over-extend yourself when exercising. Exercise should be started slow and built up over time.
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